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What causes "tartar plaque"? Can you not scrape off tartar?

What causes “tartar plaque”? Can you not scrape off tartar?

Question: How does tooth stain or tartar occur? Answer: Tartar or salivary stone is a plaque that hardens because calcium from saliva precipitates it. Plaque or Bacterial plaque is a soft, cloudy white stain that contains germs. stuck on the tooth Even if you rinse with water, it won’t

6 behaviors that risk "eroded teeth - sensitive teeth"

6 behaviors that risk “eroded teeth – sensitive teeth”

When we were children, we may not have paid much attention to our dental health. To the point that many people have tooth decay before the age of 2 digits, but it’s just baby teeth. When it falls out, new, stronger teeth emerge. But when grown up Teeth no longer change