Doctors warn people who like to dip vegetables in “Shabu” to listen. It may harm the liver without realizing it and increase the risk of cancer.

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Shabu-hot pot lovers must be careful. They like to dip vegetables just to cook them quickly. They eat spicy but dangerous. -They harm their liver without realizing it. *They also increase the risk of cancer.

It is another favorite menu for many Thai people. For hot pot or Shabu, even though it is delicious, if eaten incorrectly, it can have negative effects on health. Vegetables are an important ingredient of Shabu. Generally, morning glory, celery, and watercress are popularly used, which are aquatic vegetables. If not prepared properly, it can be a risk for various diseases.

Doctors warn people who like to dip vegetables in "Shabu" to listen. It may harm the liver without realizing it and increase the risk of cancer.

Dr. Le Van Thieu, of the General Infection Department at the Central Tropical Hospital in Vietnam, said that during his treatment, he had seen some patients infected with liver fluke and had liver damage due to eating raw vegetables or undercooked shabu vegetables.

Patients usually know they have a liver fluke infection only when they start to have unusual symptoms and see a doctor.

Dr. Tiew said that many people believe that blanching vegetables in shabu just to cook them quickly will make the vegetables crispier, sweeter, and tastier. However, this behavior may increase the risk of parasitic infection, especially when using watery vegetables as an ingredient.

Aquatic vegetables such as celery, coriander, watercress and water spinach are highly susceptible to contamination if the water source is unclean.

Dr. Tiew explained that water is a suitable environment for the ufabet growth of liver fluke larvae and parasite larvae, which can attach themselves to these aquatic vegetables. In addition, these vegetables are at risk of contamination with parasites, bacteria and other parasites if grown in areas with human or animal waste.

“People who eat vegetables contaminated with parasites without cooking them thoroughly are at high risk of contracting parasites,” said Dr. Tiew.

In the case of liver fluke, when entering the body. The larvae move to the stomach, pass through the small intestine, break the shell. And penetrate the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity. Then move into the liver, penetrate the hepatic membrane, and infiltrate the liver tissue, causing damage to the liver tissue.

Dr. Tiew said, “The liver fluke lives mainly in the liver tissue. However, during the invasion into the liver. The parasite can move to other organs and cause damage to the intestinal wall, stomach wall, and abdominal wall.”

After about 2-3 months, when the parasite enters the liver tissue. It moves to the bile duct, becomes a fully grown parasite and begins laying eggs in the bile duct. The fully grown parasite can live and cause disease for many years. If the patient is not found and treated promptly.

In the bile duct, parasites can damage the bile duct lining. Causing bile duct obstruction, inflammation and hardening of the bile duct. If left untreated, it can lead to “bile duct cancer”.

Eating vegetables properly can help prevent parasitic infections.

For the safety of consuming vegetables in shabu, Dr. Tiew recommends that people should change their eating habits by making sure that the vegetables are cooked thoroughly.

To prevent diseases caused by worms and parasites, Dr. Tiew recommends following these recommendations:

  • Watercress should only be eaten after it has been thoroughly cooked.
  • Keep your body and environment clean, avoid damp and polluted areas.
  • Dogs and cats should be dewormed regularly.
  • Deworming medication should be taken three times a year, spaced four months apart (according to age or as advised by your doctor).